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Salsa Beginners Course

Level 0. Salsa classes for those who never danced before

Cuban Salsa is a very popular latin dance formed in Cuba in mid-1950, also known as Casino or Salsa Cubana. 

In comparison to other salsa styles that are also popular in Dublin, Cuban salsa is less show oriented, while it has a lot of fun hands knots and smooth body movement. In Cuban salsa partners are moving around each other in a shape of a star, while in other styles (NY, LA) partners are always moving on the same line. 

Cuban Salsa is a fun and energetic couple Dance style that can be danced in any latin party, on any surface, in a club, in a park, with any dance partner.  

Among Cuban salsa dancers it is also popular to dance Rueda de Casino. It is a dance game when couples are making a big circle and one person shouts out the names of the moves and the whole group makes it together, always rotating and changing partners. 

  • Our program is carefully created for your best improvement by experienced instructors Maria & Alex, who learned salsa a lot and carefully collected information from many Cuban and international instructors

  • The program starts from very simple and basic salsa moves that allow you to start dancing very fast and learn how to follow the music and how to interact with your partner. Later on, step by step together with your personal development you get more complicated movements, tricky steps and interesting shines. 

  • We want you to learn to dance salsa well! 

About the course
Find your friends here!

Dance school, social dances, and parties are the best places for making friends and having a good time!


You don't need to have a partner to come to the dance class! We rotate the partners during the class all the time! 

Dance school, social dances, and parties are the best places for making friends and having a good time!


You don't need to have a partner to come to the dance class! We rotate the partners during the class all the time! 


One style
5 weeks pack

5 classes 1 hours each

Only salsa or bachata



Bachata + Salsa

5 weeks pack

2 x 5 = 10 classes 1 hour each


EUR  80

1 class

No sense to take 1 class only, but if you have no other option...


EUR 15


☆ Combo Salsa + Bachata is 20% cheaper than separately


☆ Couples get 10% discount!


☆ If you don't like your first class you pay nothing


next START July, 23

Every Tuesday

18:30 Bachata Level 0

19:30 Salsa Level 0


Mind The Step Cafe

Step Down dance room

24 Strand Street Great,

Dublin 1​

Jervis Luas Stop

Sign up
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